A derivative represents the instantaneous rate of change of a function with respect to its variable. It is the foundation of differential calculus and helps analyze varying quantities.
The derivative of a function f(x) with respect to x is denoted as f′(x) and is defined as: h→0lim(hf(x+h)−f(x))
This process of finding the derivatives is also called differentiation.
Different Notations for Derivatives:
Derivatives can be represented in various notations:
Leibniz's Notation:dxdy,dxdf,dxd(f(x)). Here, we have to note that dxdy is not a ratio, but it is a change in y by a change in x, or we can say it as a synonym of f′(x). It is defined as the limit of the ratio. Derivative at a specific point c is represented as, dxdyx=c
Lagrange's Notation:f′(x),y′(x) (used for examples)
Cauchy's Notation:Df(x),Dy
In Lagrange's and Cauchy's notations, if we need to state explicitly with respect to what variable we are taking the derivative, then we write fx′,yx′,Dxf(x),Dxy.
However, we will mainly use Lagrange's Notation.
Limit Definition of Derivatives:
The limit definition of a derivative is the same as the definition of the derivative.
: f′(x)=h→0lim(hf(x+h)−f(x))
Condition of Differentiability:
A function f(x) is said to be differentiable at x=a if f′(a) exists and f(x) is called differentiable on an interval if the derivative exists for each point in that interval.
A function f(x) is differentiable at x=a if and only if the following limit exists:
If this limit exists, then f(x) is differentiable at x=a, and the derivative f′(a) gives the slope of the tangent line at x=a.
A function f(x) is differentiable on an open interval (a, b) then it means f(x) is differentiable at every point in that interval.
Relationship between Continuity & Differentiability:
A function f(x) is said to be differentiable at x=a then we can say that f(x) is continuous at x=a but vice-versa is not true.
Derivative Examples with Step-by-Step Solutions:
Example 1:
Givenf(x)=x2, find f′(x) and f′(2) using the limit definition of derivative.
We know that f(x+h)=(x+h)2.
By using the limit definition of derivative:
Expanding (x+h)2 term:
Taking the limit:
Example 2:
Givenf(x)=x, find f′(x) and f′(8) using the limit definition of derivative.
We know that f(x+h)=(x+h).
By using the limit definition of derivative:
To simplify, multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate:
GivenR(z)=(2z+5), find R′(z) using the limit definition of derivative.
We know that R(z+h)=2(z+h)+5.
By using the limit definition of derivative:
Substituting R(z+h) and R(z):
Canceling like terms (2z−2z and 5−5):
Canceling h:
Taking the limit as h→0:
Thus, the derivative of R(z) is:
Example 7:
Givenf(x)=∣x∣, find f′(0) using the limit definition of the derivative.
We use the limit definition of the derivative:
Substituting x=0:
Since ∣0∣=0, this simplifies to:
Now, we analyze the left-hand limit (as h→0−) and the right-hand limit (as h→0+):
For h>0 (right-hand limit),∣h∣=h, so:
For h<0 (left-hand limit),∣h∣=−h, so:
Since the left-hand limit (−1) and right-hand limit (1) are not equal, the derivative does not exist at x=0.
f′(0)does not exist because the function f(x)=∣x∣ is not differentiable at x=0.
In the above example, we have finally seen a function for which the derivative doesn’t exist at a point. This is a fact of life that we’ve got to be aware of. Derivatives will not always exist. Note that this also doesn’t say anything about whether or not the derivative exists anywhere else. In fact, the derivative of the absolute value function exists at every point except at the sharp points(edges) in the function graph.
Computing derivatives from the definition can be complex and prone to errors. Fortunately, in further chapters, we will learn formulas and properties that will simplify the process, so we won’t always need to use the definition.
However, understanding the definition is still crucial. While we may not use it often, it’s essential to know and remember.